Real Positive Poles After Dusk: The Improvised Twilight Zone
Filed mistakenly under E for Mystery: unscripted episodes of the television anthology known as The Twilight Zone. An award winning improvised parody of the 1960s cult classic that inspired Black Mirror. Every show features two unique episodes based on audience suggestions and accompanied by our live violinist. Join us as we cross into a realm adjacent to, but legally distinct from, The Twilight Zone.
'You'll be kept grinning for the rest of the day' (
'Incredibly funny and intensely engaging' (The Brighton Seagull).
★★★★★ (Wriggle Bristol).
'a beautiful demonstration of everything that improvised performance can be' ★★★★★ ( The Reviews Hub).
_Winner_ of The Brighton Seagull’s Best Improvised Show award and _top 3 shortlisted_ for the Best Show in all categories by The Reviews Hub at the Brighton Fringe 2022.
Suitable for all levels of Twilight Zone knowledge, including none!
This show was part of our Edinburgh Fringe 2022 Edinburgh Fringe Programme